According to CPT Josh Curtis, one soldier under his command, PFC Hamlin from Mississippi, "volunteered for the US Army for patriotism, honor and to give back to this Nation."  She saw it as a way to continue educating her self to make for a better future. 

Hamlin also financially takes care of her mother and 4 siblings back home. Being that the economy has been weak for the last 8 years she sends home a good portion of her pay to assist her family's financial instability.  Hamlin's stress helping back home is elevated because of her mothers poor health that keeps her from working.

The selfless acts of serving the country and supporting her family can be a very mentally taxing endeavor. Since her family is dependent on her income Hamlin could not afford to save the money to go home for Christmas.

The sacrificial giving of the donors to Operation H.O.M.E assured Hamlin arrived home in time for Christmas, much her family's joyous surprise.